Wednesday 21 September 2011

Money doesn't only corrupt, far worse than that, it produces some god almighty results

Where was I before I was rudely interupted by having to work for the last day or two, oh yes, I was off to investigate. My school years at one of the city's leading educational establishments gives me quite a bit of insight into bad taste.

The upper class in this city like to speak through their nostrils, it's a West End thing, hard to describe and quite put on. I like to think of it as a fluctuating drawl. Looking down their noses takes on a whole new meaning when they're speaking down their noses too. Don't get me wrong I often like to pick up the kids for not pronouncing their T's, and they in turn like to pick me up for slipping up on mine. And having lived in Inverness, where they speak with a lilt in their voice, I'm well aware of my own dulcet Glaswegian tones.

Again I'm procrastinating. Whilst looking for inspiration for this blog, and sticking with the theme that women with too much disposable income to squander often get it wrong, my twitter followers, friend or foe, provided me with all the ammunition I needed.

Take one successful entrepreneur for example; not content with millions in the bank, she's embarked on her own PR campaign. Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all? And at that level of exposure you'd like to think the neediness for admiration wouldn't be wanted, let alone sought after. Money doesn't only corrupt, far worse than that, it produces some god almighty results. Leopard print is making a renaissance in these parts. Yes, leopard print. Head to toe leopard print ensembles, and I can't think of any woman of any age who would look good in this? Limit the print to one item only is my advice, if you must.

Blondes too, and I'm partial to a little bleaching so I can say this, but there comes an age in everywoman's life when you should tone it down. Being wolf whistled when you're a granny may give you a confidence boost, however it could cause a pile up when your admirer realises he's just tooted his mother. I'm not sure when the right time is to dispense with the California Bleached Blonde look or rather Glasgow's national colour, but there is a time. Perhaps it's when your skin has turned maghonomy and you're not the spring chicken you once were.

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